FISPGHAN Outstanding Achievement Award 2024

The FISGHAN Outstanding Achievement Award is awarded to individuals who have made a major contribution to international paediatric gastroenterology or hepatology or nutrition with respect to clinical care, research, setting or implementing standards, education or training, or strengthening in other ways the field or FISPGHAN as a society. The award may recognize a major achievement or a lifetime accomplishment.

Criteria for selection may include:
  1. Outstanding contributions to FISPGHAN as a society,
  2. Outstanding scientific achievements related to paediatric gastroenterology and/or hepatology, and/or nutrition, usually documented by the candidate’s publication and citation record,
  3. Outstanding contributions to the standards, practice and training in the fields of paediatric gastroenterology or hepatology or nutrition,
  4. Personal integrity.

The Prize shall be awarded at least every four years on the occasion of the FISPGHAN World Congress of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition. The FISPGHAN council may also decide to award additional prizes in years without a World Congress, but usually, no more than three awards per year should be given out. There will be one award for each category: Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition.

Each full or associate member society of FISPGHAN may submit one nomination for each call of the FISPGHAN Outstanding Achievement Award to the FISPGHAN president or office. The nomination should include a letter highlighting the reasons for nomination, characterizing the candidate’s achievements, and preferably the nominee’s CV, bibliography and citation record.

Nominations for the 2024 award should be submitted to the FISPGHAN office by e-mail ( no later than April 30, 2024.

The Prize Winners will be selected by the FISPGHAN council (one vote per Society). The 2024 award shall be presented at the World Congress of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition held on 4-7 December in Buenos Aires, Argentina.